Every inch of the monitor is a precious asset. A streamer can only spare so much for the gameplay.

*A game unfortunately not made for Ludum Dare 54 Compo.*

The idea was to take a simple, derivative, unoriginal, trite, and ultimately creatively bankrupt "small" game, and progressively make it as annoying to play as possible though occupation of limited screen space by streamer overlays. The final Jam build though has remained largely playable despite all efforts because I didn't have the time to implement many of my more egregious ideas on how to get the entire screen covered up constantly in trash. Enjoy your 2048 for now, I guess.

## Gameplay

Citra's In Fact Actually 2048 is in fact, actually 2048.

## Tools

- Godot Engine w/ Rust bindings

- Krita

- Studio One

## Assets

This project redistributes the font "Bad Comic" by GGBotNet (https://ggbot.net/fonts/), licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.


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Kawoi vtuber at the bottom right, 2048 out of 10.

Jokes aside tho, really love your art style and character design! Can't wait to see more of you games

Thank you. I'm glad you liked her!
I'm hoping too that I'll be able to participate more in events like this in the future.